Friday, April 25, 2014

A Litte Bit of Crunch - Cloth Diapering Continued...

Around that 5 month mark, when the prefolds stopped fitting around Ani's waist, I started looking for a couple of additions to my stash. I picked up some second hand Fuzzibunz, and ordered a couple of medium sized Green Mountain workhorse diapers. The Fuzzibunz I sold almost instantly, the were the one size and already too small for my girl. The workhorse diapers worked great, however the rise just wasn't long enough. Regardless buying these two really started my slight obsession.

    After a bit more digging right around 7 months, I had my eye on Grovia diapers, and I decided to buy a couple of covers from their hybrid system and the organic cotton soakers. These really worked great for a couple of months. The diaper is super duper trim, the prints are ADORABLE, but alas, they just don't handle a lot of liquid. I even got the additional soakers, but I had to change diapers almost every hour or we'd get a leak. By the time I stuffed them with everything to combat the leaking, the diaper became the size of a helmet on her butt. Now I know a cloth butt means a bigger butt, but it was a bit much.
 Finally, in the past year I've settled on bumGenius Diapers, Blueberry Simplex & Basix and a couple of Kawaii's. She will still intermittently leak out each of them, but overall, it's been really good.
  • bumGenius diapers are the kings (maybe queens?) of the cloth diapering world. I didn't buy all the hype at first, early on they fit Ani kind of weird, but at about a year, she really grew into them. I have the 4.0 (micrfiber!) and the new Elementals (cotton). I really like both. Does the microfiber stink? It only started to after the first year and I followed the bleaching directions and it worked perfectly.  I've had more luck with the Elementals not leaking and they are super trim so it's easy to stuff them. But I love how quickly the microfiber dries.
  • The sized simplex and basix diapers are a side snapping diaper. The simplex has stretchy tabs and is birds eye cotton, the basix are microfiber.  These diapers are super trim and the insert is sewn in and they come out in the wash by themselves! I find myself reaching for the basix more than the simplex just because of the way the cotton is sewn into the legs, you have to remember to roll it in or they'll leak
  • The Kawaii's a very similar in design to the bumGenius, but I find that they don't fit quite as well. The big difference here is cost, they are about $7/diaper. Big difference.
Overall in the last 2 years I've probably bought about $900 of diapers and sold $350 of diapers. 

Some final thoughts:
  • Poop happens. Diaper liners and a diaper sprayer had been a big help.
  • I still use a disposable at night. I've mentioned it a couple of times but my girl is a heavy wetter, and sleeping through the night trumps cloth any day for me.
  • When traveling, I will also use disposables, and I have leaking issues with those as well. It's not for everyone, but it's certainly been for me.

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