Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Plywood Palace, Siding, Phase 1

We've been busy at the Pitt. We began the outside of the house and thought, a couple of weeks and BAAM we'd have siding. As you may know, things are not always how we think they should be at the Pitt. There were a billion repairs to do in the wall itself. And we had to build the wall for the new bay window in the kitchen!!

So we begin with pictures of the plywood palace. Our neighbors must be getting super excited that we are a step closer the real siding:

 We also had to tear down the front steps. They weren't level and water was flowing toward the house. So while I'm at work Bob calls me and says, "We just rented a jackhammer." I'm not going to lie, I was worried. Bob, Dad and the Jackhammer. Who would win?

Dad 1. Steps 0. Bob 0.

Phase II: House Wrap

Friday, October 2, 2009

A Passing at the Pitt

It's been a tough couple of days on the Pitt. Our sweetest Wini girl passed away on Thursday.

Wednesday night we noticed she wasn't eating (she was fine that morning). This is bad, because rabbits need to eat pretty much constantly. We took her to the nearest exotic animal emergency hospital (exotic? yeah, we know) which was all the way in Novi. She had gut stasis (again), a condition where she basically stops digesting. They medicated her and kept her overnight. By morning she was doing much better, so we transferred her to our regular vet for observation the rest of the day. She was doing better, but in the afternoon she took a turn for the worse and never recovered.

We miss her so much. And we know Shaggy misses her terribly. Wini gave us so much: she was our first pet together (and the only one that's been at all of the places we've lived together), she led to Orsi's nickname (Bun), she convinced Orsi's parents to get a pet (their dog Virgonc), she got us Shaggy and so much more.

So in loving memory of our Wini, here are some photo highlights from the last 6 years: