Saturday, April 10, 2010

Nothing is ever easy...

A few years ago, we bought a  filtered water dispenser for our fridge. It's slightly bigger than a pitcher, but you still have to fill it with water from the sink. When we bought the dispenser we got a great deal on filters and bought a bunch. Fast forward to last March 2009 when we moved into our house. Everything was packed up for the move. Fast forward to today, we can't find any of the filters. We refuse to buy new ones, because we know we own like 3 of them!! So it seemed like the perfect opportunity to finally hook up the water dispenser on the fridge. Easy, no problem, right?

Well the first sign of trouble was the empty filter cartridge that looked like it was broken on the end. Suspicious?  Yes, but it did not stop us from moving forward! The plumbing was done fairly quickly and then we decided to shoot over to Sears to get a new filter. That when we realized we had a problem. The filter had burst inside the fridge and we had to pull it out piece by piece. This was the hard part. On the left you'll see the cartridge housing, on the right the guts. Taking these pieces out almost took 4 hours. 

Once they were out, we were excited to hook up the water and experience filtered water at its greatest. Well, not only did we, but our entire kitchen floor enjoy the water. Not only had the filter burst, but much of the plumbing in the back of the fridge. It was time to call in the professionals (Blue Crew). Yet another project at the Pitt that was way harder than it needed to be.

So when I was a wee youth back in Owosso, MI. Elizabeth and I always used to dream of the day when we would have a fridge with a dispenser on the door. Because a fridge with a dispenser was classy.

Well Elizabeth as I look at my fridge with the dispenser now intact, in the Pitt, the first thought that comes to mind is always, classy.

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