Monday, September 7, 2009

The Money Pit

When we tell people about our house, more than half the time we get a response along the lines, "Have you seen the Money Pit?" Somehow, neither of us had ever seen this 1986  movie. Well, it's not that mysterious, actually. Orsi was in communism and movies were just not a big part of Bob's family at that time.

Anyway, once we learned of the movie, Orsi didn't want to see it - she was afraid it would jinx us. As if our house needed any help in that department. So Bob added it to the netflix queue, and several months later, it finally percolated to the top.

We watched it. We were highly amused.

We have to say, our house is simply not that bad. As far as we know so far. On the flip side, Bob is also not Tom Hanks. We guess we'll have to take the good with the bad.

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