Sunday, January 17, 2010

Flooring and Pain in the Master Bedroon

Pain. So much pain....For the re-appraisal of the Pitt, we needed some cheap flooring in the master to replace the white painted plywood that we've been living on. We were back and forth on whether or not we would actually put in floors, but Lowe's had a sale on laminate wood floors for 58 cents a square foot and we were sold. We bought the underlay at the Habitat for Humanity Restore, and we were ready to go.  Dad stopped by on Saturday to put some finishing touches on the house. He thought putting flooring in was a waste of time, but he couldn't resist watching us do it. So while Bob was at Tae Kwon Do, I began the process.

To begin, I rolled out the first row of the underlayment and put up the first row of the laminate. It was tricky figuring out how to anchor the floating  floor, but I got the hang of if. Initially, dad hung out in the master putting on the pocket door hardware (yeah!) and giving me advice. By the time Bob came home I already had the groove down and was a third of the way done with the floor.

Since I already knew what I was doing, Bob became my lackey. He got me my pieces laminate, vacuumed cleaned, while I laid the floor and sawed the pieces. (Yes folks, they trust me with power tools!!)
That crouching position you see? That was the position I was in for 12 hours. 12 straight hours with one break for a veggie burger.  But I was determined to get the job done. When we reached the difficult areas like the door, Dad stepped in to help.

Notice folks, I am still in the crouching position with like 6 inches of underwear showing. This was late into the evening and it was not pretty.  Dad finally left around 7 and we only had a couple of more rows to go. We finished by 9 and I couldn't wait to get in the shower to wash off the saw dust. But it's done. the floor is done, and for what it is, it looks great!

As a reward for a job well done we went out to dinner at Sidetracks at 10:00 pm. We were so pathetic. Bob was falling asleep at the table and I couldn't stop eating everything in sight.

Well this morning I woke up and I could barely move. My thighs and butt hurt so much from crouching, that I may never move again. And let me tell you folks, day to day tasks that you take advantage of like, sitting on the toilet, become really difficult. I can hardly walk stairs, get into my car, or sit and stand up. I'm am a sad human being right now. But my friends, the flooring is complete and I was the one who did it!

This is me crouched over in pain. Somehow with all the exercise from yesterday, my roll is still prevalent. Sigh.


Reenie said...

Ouch! the floor looks great though! Makes the room look so real, so finished, just lovely!!! Look at you, first a curtain by yourself and now flooring! You rock!

and I'm sorry about the crouching and excruciating pain... I usually have the same problem after my first full day gardening in the spring and after the first softball double header (catching)... ugh. Its amazing how important thighs are...

Elizabeth said...

Flooring looks amaziiiiiiiiing!
May need your help when we put in hardwood :oP

Jessica Erin said...

Looks FABULOUS!! There's so much pride in saying, "Look, I DID THIS!" too! Congrats on a job well done... :) That pain you feel is how I felt Sunday after just ONE hour of a Boot Camp class... so I feel your pain on stairs, the toilet, and getting up/down... but progess isn't free!

Frances Steele said...

The floor looks great!! Bravo!

StaySea said...

Looks good. Go you!