Saturday, August 22, 2009

And then there was none

When we moved into the Pitt, there were a lot of strange things in the house. To name a few:
  • Glow in the dark quote from the bible
  • Glow in the dark names on walls
  • Rice
  • Rice Noodles
  • Soy Sauce
  • Flood lights (INSIDE the house)
One of the strangest things were these two ceramic Asian angels that were super glued - yes SUPER GLUED - to the wall. See below.

I have wanted to remove these angels for a very long time. But since they were super glued on I was afraid that I was going to take the drywall with it. So they've been up there, adding character to our home.

We had some good friends visit us last weekend - and boy did they come in handy. James claimed that all he needed was a putty knife and hammer.

So within minutes, my two angels were none. And NO, we did not save them. They went out with the trash on Monday, because that is where they belong.

Thanks for the help guys! Every little bit along the way helps!

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