It's January so I think that a looking back post is still totally OK. But when I think of all things in 2013, all I can think of is "we made it." Whenever someone asks me, "how's Anika doing?" my response, without
delay is, "she's alive and well." Because seriously folks that in itself
is a huge accomplishment. Ladies and gentleman, our baby made it to her first birthday, our three dogs are still in one piece, and Bob and I are still very much in love. What more could we we ask for?
2013 is a big blur with kitchen remodeling (still on-going), many, many sleepless nights (occasionally still happening), crazy work projects and schedules (still on-going), all dogs having some sort of medical woes (carrying over into 2014). We've had lots of people at the Pitt vising, and we've visited a lot of places, but somehow, I feel like we really didn't get to spend as much time as we wanted to with everybody. And I feel like that will be a theme in this coming year(s) as well so note to self, really make the most out of the moments you spend with friends and treasure the moments with your tiny little families.
To a little less crazy 2014, a finished kitchen and a resolution I feel very confident in, "Keeping my spleen in 2014."