Anyway, here are some more pictures of the last bits.
Here's the loop field connection to the pump.
Different angle of the same space. Both water heaters are visible on the left, the furnace is in the middle, the humidifier is to the right if the middle, and the pump is on the far right.
The space to the right of the furnace. I'm not sure what the box on the left is (it's either a thermostat connection or the humidifier control of some kind). The box on the right is the zone controller. In the middle you can see the thermostat for the basement zone.
Here's one of the vent controls for the zoning. The circular device opens or closes the line to the vent. A bunch of these are set up to control the flow of air to each zone (so only the parts of the house that need it are cooled or heated).
Update: The box on the left (two pictures up) is for the wireless thermostat (one of our zones has a wireless thermostat because it was easier than running a line there, and we'll be moving walls in there soon anyway, so this was just easier for everyone). If you look very closely, above that box and little closer (half cut off by the top edge of the picture) is the wireless antenna (a small gray box on the duct).